Welcome to Nori's World! Take some time to explore and learn more about Nori and dogs in general.
Nori sleeps in one of our beds each night. #PuppyCuddles! ♥
Nori likes to chase chickens, but she once lost a fight to a chicken...
Nori's a little scared of small dogs, but she loves tackling big dogs.
Nori likes playing with her toys in front of the mirror.
Nori's favorite toy is her green squeaky ball. (It used to be her tiger until she pulled all of the stuffing out.)
Nori likes to chase and eat cockroaches and lizards.
When Nori yawns her tongue sticks out at a right angle from her mouth.
Nori loves going on trails and eating cat poop. (She's an odd puppy.)
Nori likes to be with her people, but she greatly prefers dogs to other people.
Nori can't smell other dogs on her people or food on the ground. (She licks everywhere in the kitchen to make up for it.)