Front-End Web Development Documentation


HTML aka Hyper Text Markup Language is used in Front-End Web Development to create the structure of a webpage.

This is an h1 Heading

This is an h4 Heading

This is an h6 Heading

The entire structure of this page was created using HTML.


CSS aka Cascading Style Sheets are used in Front-End Web Development to style webpages.

This is an h1 Heading with CSS

This is an h4 Heading with CSS

This is an h6 Heading with CSS

CSS can make all the difference in a webpage.


JavaScript adds functionality to a webpage.

JavaScript is essential in more complex sites.

Below is a list of the top 5 JavaScript frameworks in 2018 according to the Classic Informatics Blog article.

  1. Angular
  2. React
  3. Node
  4. Meteor
  5. Vue


Sass makes CSS styling easier and more fun.

Sass is awesome!

All the styling you see on this page was intially written in SCSS.


Bootstrap makes including functionality and useful layouts in your webpage easier.

Bootstrap is a great time saver!

I use Bootstrap components and styling in some of my other webpages.